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Our Recovery Church locations have provided recovery-related resources to help support your church family. Each location’s context is different. Remember each tool being provided should be adjusted to your individual context.
Be Baptized and Work the Steps
During baptisms, you will often hear a leader say, “Buried with Jesus in baptism; raised to walk in new life in Christ” as the baptized...
Basic Homiletics
Here is a Powerpoint on the Basics of Homiletics (the art of building a sermon). This can be used as training on how to properly prepare...
The Bible and the 12 Steps
Attached is a list of the 12 Steps and many of the Biblical connections. Each step has a passage of Scripture that connects to the 12...
References of God in the Big Book
Attached is a list of all the references of God in the Big Book of AA.
That Ain't in the Big Book
We hear a lot of stuff said in meetings that can’t be reconciled with the program as described in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous....
Life Recovery - 12 Steps
Attached is a document that has corresponding Scripture to each of the 12 Steps.
RC Presentation
Here is an overview presentation of who Recovery Church is, and what we do. This explains the heart, vision, and focus of Recovery...
Studio RC Postcards
Here is a postcard that displays the information for our podcast: Studio RC. Our podcast can be found on all major podcasting providers....
The Biblical Roots of Alcoholic Anonymous Video and Power Point
A powerful Power Point presentation embeded with videos that shows the history of AA and its Biblical foundation and roots.
Be Strong and Surrender Daily Devotional
Pastor Phil Dvorak the founder of Recovery Church Movement co authored a recovery devotional, Be Strong and Surrender, with Dr. Jared Pingle
Open Share Meeting Suggested Guidelines
Open Share Meeting Suggested Guidelines. Many of our churches have open share group meetings. This resource is a suggested guideline to be
Recovery Church Movement Values PowerPoint Presentation
Recovery Church is united by a core set of values. This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of each of these values.
Daily Inventory Worksheet
In the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous Page 86 you find instructions on a way to review your day.
Following Christ and the 12-Steps - A Brief Power Point Overview of the 12-Steps
This powerpoint presentation provides a brief overview of the 12-Steps and scriptural comparisons.
Bigger Than Me Series Images
Bigger Than Me Series Images. Use these images to help build a teaching series.
The Promises Teaching Series Graphics
As laid out in chapter 6 of the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous makes some promises to alcoholics who stay sober and work the Twelve Steps.
The Triumphant Arch
Included are a potential teaching series outline and PowerPoint images for you to adapt to your context.
Dear Recovery Church Parents - A letter to parents on the Opioid Crisis
Dear Recovery Church Parents - A letter to parents on the Opioid Crisis.
A Response to the Appeal for the Use of Marijuana as Medication Assisted Treatment of Substance Use
This article was written in 2019 by Pastor Philip Dvorak as a response to the emergence of Marijuana being advocated to be used...
How To Read The Bible and Enjoy IT
An easy to use guide to the best selling book of all time. This guide is a tool to support your community in learning to read the Bible.
The Power of Forgiveness An Interview with Renee Napier
An Interview between Pastor Phil Dvorak and Renee Napier on the power of forgiveness.
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