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Our Recovery Church locations have developed tools to support and manage the inner workings of the local church. They are intended to help ensure things run as efficiently as possible. Each location’s context is different. Remember each tool being provided should be adjusted to your individual context.
Recovery Church Essentials (Translated into Korean)
The below file is the RC Essentials Packet translated into Korean
Recovery Church New Location Process
Attached is an overview of the process for planting a new Recovery Church. Aspects of this process are not concrete and can be adjusted...
El Acuerdo de Ubicación de Socios de Iglesia de la Recuperación (RC Location Agreement)
Adjunto está nuestro Acuerdo de Ubicación de Socios de Iglesia de la Recuperación traducido al español
Elementos Esenciales del lÃder de Servicio (Servant Leader Essentials)
Adjunto está nuestro Servidor LÃder Essentials traducido al español
Paquete Esencial (Essentials Packet)
Adjunto está nuestro Paquete de Esenciales traducido al español
RC Presentation
Here is an overview presentation of who Recovery Church is, and what we do. This explains the heart, vision, and focus of Recovery...
Recovery Church Online Postcard
Here is a postcard that you can use at your location so people can tune into Recovery Church Online with Max. Recovery Church Online...
Studio RC Postcards
Here is a postcard that displays the information for our podcast: Studio RC. Our podcast can be found on all major podcasting providers....
RCM Brochure
Here is a brochure that shares the heart and vision behind Recovery Church Movement. These can be printed and displayed at your location.
Harbor Lights House Application + Info
This is the application/info that we use for our Discipleship House: Harbor Lights. If you are managing a Discipleship House, please feel...
Recovery Church Values - Short Form
Attached is a document with the short version of the Recovery Church Values
Volunteer List / BAAP / Deposit Sheet
Below is a file that your location can use to track your service numbers, BAAPS, and your tithes and offerings. The document is also...
Connect Cards
The local Recovery Church could use these designs as potential Connection Cards for their attendees. There are two different versions....
Recovery Church "In the Round"
Below is an example of what a potential RC "In the Round" service could look like
Steps to Becoming a Leader at Recovery Church H & I - Palm Beach County Jail and Belle Glade
H & I has a history within the 12-Step fellowships of taking a committee into rehabs, hospitals, and institutions to help people recover...
Servant Leader Essentials
This document discusses the roles and responsibilities of the elder / servant leader of a local Recovery Church.
RC Location Agreement
This document discusses the agreement between RCM and the partner location. It discusses the commitment of both organizations.
The Essentials Packet
This packet contains all the Major Doctrinal Beliefs, Focus, Processes, and Values of Recovery Church.
Recovery Church Values
These are the values that are important to Recovery Church. These values make up the DNA of Recovery Church.
Recovery Church Processes
This document covers many of the logistics and processes that embodies a Recovery Church service. These are the day-to-day procedures for...
Focus of Recovery Church
This document covers the goal and aim of Recovery Church, essentially who we are and what we do.
Major Doctrinal Beliefs
This document covers all the major Doctrinal beliefs that Recovery Church believes in
RC Group Inventory
Recovery Church Group Inventory Worksheet
Suggested Step Meeting Format
Here is a suggested format for a 12-Step meeting that some of our locations have found helpful. DOWNLOADABLE WORKING FILES
RCM General Set Up Process Overview
A general overview of the process by which a Recovery Church is typically started.
Preparing for Worship Service Sign
One of our Recovery Church locations uses this sign to inform those attending that the room is being prepared for worship.
Background Check Authorization
Some of our Recovery Church locations function with an eternal eldership board. Here is an example of a packet used by one of our locations
Crosses - How to Present and Order
Included here are the current links and instructions for ordering the needed supplies. Also, Instructions for presenting the crosses...
Instructions On How to Order the Crosses
Each of our Recovery Church Locations are encouraged to provide crosses as a representation of different lengths of recovery. Included here
Open Share Meeting Suggested Guidelines
Open Share Meeting Suggested Guidelines. Many of our churches have open share group meetings. This resource is a suggested guideline to be
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